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[덕질하는 웹개발자] 츠카사 사이트 만들기 3일차 | 메뉴바, 광고 넣기

KwonYongHyeon 2021. 1. 16. 09:40



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			<p class='logo_style'><a href="index.html" style="color: black;">由崎 司 _ fansite</a></p>
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			<center><p class='lang'>[BGM] Yunomi - ⽉と星空</p></center>
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			<p class="lang">Menu</p>
				<li><a href = 'funfacts.html' style="color: black;">Fun Facts about Tsukasa</a></li>
			<p class='lang'>Language</p>
				<li><a href = 'index.html' style="color: black;">English</a></li>
			<p class='lang'>Developers</p>
				<li>Developed by <a href = 'https://coderyh.tistory.com/' target="_blank" style="color: black;">권용현</a></li>
				<li>Designed by <a href = 'https://coderyh.tistory.com/' target="_blank" style="color: black;">권용현</a></li>
				<li>Music by <a href = 'https://www.youtube.com/c/Yunomichannel/featured' target="_blank" style="color: black;">Yunomi</a></li>
				<li>Ads by <a href = 'https://tenping.kr/' target="_blank" style="color: black;">Tenping</a></li>
				<li>Special Thanks to <a href = 'https://twitter.com/kitoakari_1016' target="_blank" style="color: black;">鬼頭 明里</a></li>
				<li>Special Thanks to <a href = 'https://twitter.com/hatakenjiro' target = "-blank" style="color: black;">畑 健二郎</a></li>
				<li>Special Thanks to <a href = 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3q6G9q5GsOY2VpC5_LoRQ?app=desktop' target="_blank" style="color: black;">amous</a></li>
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			<p class='in'>Name: 由崎 司(Yuzaki Tsukasa)</p>
			<p class='in'>Spouse: 由崎 星空(Yuzaki Nasa)</p>
			<p class='in'>Age: 16</p>
			<p class='in'>Birthday: April 3rd</p>
			<p class='in'>Country: Japan</p>
			<p class='in'>Height: 154cm / 5.05249ft</p>
			<p class='in'>Weight: 41kg / 90.3895lbs</p>
			<p class='in'>Bloodtype: O</p>
			<p class='in'>Hobby: watching movies / playing games</p>
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		<p class="copyright">Copyright ⓒ 2020. All Rights Reserved.</p>                                    



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			<p class='logo_style'><a href="index.html" style="color: black;">由崎 司 _ fansite</a></p>
		<div id='music'>
			<center><p class='lang'>[BGM] Yunomi - ⽉と星空</p></center>
				<audio autoplay controls>
					<source src="bgmusic.mp3" type="audio/mp3" allow="autoplay" id="audio">
		<div id='lang'>
			<p class="lang">Menu</p>
				<li><a href = 'funfacts.html' style="color: black;">Fun Facts about Tsukasa</a></li>
			<p class='lang'>Language</p>
				<li><a href = 'index.html' style="color: black;">English</a></li>
			<p class='lang'>Developers</p>
				<li>Developed by <a href = 'https://coderyh.tistory.com/' target="_blank" style="color: black;">권용현</a></li>
				<li>Designed by <a href = 'https://coderyh.tistory.com/' target="_blank" style="color: black;">권용현</a></li>
				<li>Music by <a href = 'https://www.youtube.com/c/Yunomichannel/featured' target="_blank" style="color: black;">Yunomi</a></li>
				<li>Ads by <a href = 'https://tenping.kr/' target="_blank" style="color: black;">Tenping</a></li>
				<li>Special Thanks to <a href = 'https://twitter.com/kitoakari_1016' target="_blank" style="color: black;">鬼頭 明里</a></li>
				<li>Special Thanks to <a href = 'https://twitter.com/hatakenjiro' target = "-blank" style="color: black;">畑 健二郎</a></li>
				<li>Special Thanks to <a href = 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3q6G9q5GsOY2VpC5_LoRQ?app=desktop' target="_blank" style="color: black;">amous</a></li>
	<div id='contents'>
		<div id='in'>
			<p class='in'>1. She's cute.</p>
			<p class='in'>2. Her voice actor is 鬼頭 明里.</p>
			<p class='in'>3. She is a big fan of Marvel series.</p>
			<p class='in'>4. She always wears a barrette on the back of her head, made of deer skin.</p>
			<p class='in'>5. Before marrying Nasa, Tsukasa's name was 月読 司(Tsukuyomi Tsukasa).</p>
			<p class='in'>6. Tsukasa calls Nasa 'Husband' or 'Nasa Gun.'</p>
			<p class='in'>7. When asked, "Which animal do you want if you can get any animal as a pet?" she chose a turtle, "Because turtles live long."</p>
			<div style="display:inline-block; width:100%; text-align:center;"><div style="display:inline-block;"><div style="margin:10px; padding:15px; background:#fff; border:1px solid #dae2e3;"><div style="width:100%; max-width:800px;"><a href="http://iryan.kr/t6n96816ur" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.tenping.kr/Content/Upload/Images/2021010816290003_Dis_20210108170139.jpg" width="100%" style="width:100%; height:auto; border-radius:0;" alt=""></a></div><div style="margin:10px;"><div style="margin:5px 0; color:#333; font-size:16px; line-height:1.4em; height:2.6em; display:-webkit-box; text-overflow:ellipsis; -webkit-line-clamp:2; -webkit-box-orient:vertical; word-wrap:break-word; font-weight:300; text-align:left; overflow:hidden; max-width:400px;">[해커스경찰] 2022년 경찰 합격전략 설명회</div></div><div style="width:100%; margin:20px 0 5px; background-color:#f5fbff; text-align:left;"><a href="http://iryan.kr/t6n96816ur" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none; display:block;"><div style="padding:17px 0; background-color:#dcf3ff;"><div style="line-height:1.4; margin:0; padding:0 0 0 20px; color:#234f83; font-size:21px; font-weight:300; display:inline-block;">상담 신청하기</div><div style="margin-right:20px; margin-top:-6px; float:right; display:inline-block; color:#234f83; font-size:30px; font-weight:300;">»</div></div></a></div></div></div></div>                                        
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		<p class="copyright">Copyright ⓒ 2020. All Rights Reserved.</p>                                    



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그냥 index.html을 하나 더 복붙한ㄱ...(읍읍)

대충 funfacts.html에는 츠카사에 대한 재밌는(?) 사실들 7개(앞으로 더 추가할 예정이다)와 광고를 넣었다.


실행시켰을때 화면



이제 저 광고를 누군가가 클릭하면 내게 돈이 들어오는거다(!).